Alicia Rodriguez is a receptionist at Northbrook High School whose position is in the front office that helps parents with issues, She also is the person to call classrooms to tell the teacher that someone is going home.
The first question that I asked her was her favorite sport. She responded with, “Baseball because of the Houston Astros”. Alicia is a very huge fan of the Astros that she’s gone to multiple home games with friends and one of the police officers that work here. The second question I asked her was “What made you work in this school district”. She responded with “Well I’m a college student that was trying to find a flexible schedule and try to stay close at home.”
The third question was what language did she prefer to speak, English or Spanish, and she responded with Spanish because it is her first language and grew up with it. Fourth question was what do you get from Starbucks and she responded with an oat milk latte with brown sugar syrup.
What pizza place do you like the most? She responded with Papa Johns and that’s where I judged because Little Caesars or Dominos is better.
The sixth question was what was her favorite subject during school and she responded with art in high school and ethics in criminal justice in college. She’s still currently attending college in UHD online. The seventh question was what her favorite movie is and she responded with The Corpse Bride. The eight question was cats or dogs and she said dogs because of her two dogs, a Pitbull, and a Belgium Shepherd. The ninth question was if she liked thrifting and she said yes at Montrose. The last question I asked her was what is your favorite color and she said red.
Unfortunately, right when we came back from Thanksgiving break, Tuesday the 28th was her last day here, after 4 years of working at Northbrook. Those 10 questions were the last questions I could ask. Alicia Rodriguez was a great receptionist, she is a very kind and funny person that anyone will enjoy to hang out with.