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Movie Review: “The Shack”

Movie Review: "The Shack"

I know that at least half of the people in this world has seen a movie that just spoke to their soul, and if you haven’t well I have. I have just seen this movie called “The Shack” and I would highly recommend this movie to others and I will soon state my reasons. The movie called “The Shack” is based on grief and your personal beliefs including God. God is a big factor in this movie including healing from a huge tragedy. In my very own opinion, I would say it is a very beautiful movie, but it will make you tear up a bit. I connected to this movie so deeply and I fell in love with the movie.

This is modern day movie and it took place in the 2000’s I would say. The main characters are Mack (The father) Missy (The daughter of Mack) and lastly Papa’s (Represents God but in different ways). After suffering a family tragedy by a horrible loss.  Mack Phillips spirals into a deep depression that causes him to question his innermost beliefs including God and if God was good or bad. Although facing a crisis of faith, he receives a mysterious letter urging him to an abandoned shack in the Oregon wilderness where the horrible tragedy occurred. However, despite Mack’s doubts, Mack journeys to the shack and encounters an enigmatic trio of strangers led by a woman named Papa (God). Through this meeting, Mack finds important truths that will transform his understanding of his tragedy and change his life forever and by letting Mack let God (Papa) back into his life.

To get into further details on why I loved the movie “The Shack” so much. We can start off with the phenomenal people who played the main characters. The father “Mack Phillips” is played by Sam Worthington. The daughter “Missy Phillips” and lastly, “Papa, Jesus Christ, The holy Spirit” was played by 3 different people, Octavia Spencer known as “Papa”, Aviv Alush known as “Jesus Christ” and Sumire sarayu was known as “The holy Spirit”. However there was a fourth Papa, he was the male version of Papa. He helped Mack find Missy’s body. His name is Graham Greene. I loved the way they went into so much depth into their acting characters in the movie “The Shack”. They played their parts so well you would think you were actually there and experiencing these moments. I truly cannot say there is anything about the movie “The Shack” that I do not like. In my eyes it is perfection. One of my favorite lines from the movie is, Papa: “I can work incredible good out of unspeakable tragedies. But that doesn’t mean I orchestrate the tragedies.” Mack Phillips: “After everything I’ve felt in my heart towards you, why would you keep working on me? Papa: Because that’s what love does.” That touched my heart in many ways we go through some many horrible tragedy’s, and even moments of turning our backs on “Papa”. However he still forgives us and he waits for us to ask him if he can, he help us, can we let him love us and be our comfort in the darkness? I also feel another beautiful quote I loved and held dear was when “Papa” said, “No matter what happens remember this; I have always loved you.” I honestly believe that the message from the movie is the lesson I indeed learned and I quote. “It doesn’t matter how you live, what you believe, or what you do, God forgives all his children and we all go to Heaven.” I also think that other will learn that yes, life might be tricky and hard and even painful, but God is the one person who will comfort you and guide you through everything life has in store for you.

If you were to ask me would you enjoy this movie yourself? I would proudly say if you were into sad, and suspenseful movies this is the movie for you. And those are the type of people I would highly recommend this movie to. The movies “MPAA” is PG-13 so you are more than welcome to watch. To end things my final words to you would be, is to give this movie a chance please, even if you just watch the trailer. This movie is more than good it is out of this world it is a 10/10.

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