The “Instructions Not Included” movie is such a lovely and pleasing movie. “Instructions Not Included” isn’t a typical Rom-com movie, instead it’s funny surprisingly downhearted story towards the end of the movie, but it is mainly about unexpected parenthood and the power of love.
The film is set in Mexico City and Acapulco. The story is based mainly on Valentin, who is a seductive person, which is then brought into fatherhood when his one-time lover leaves him with a baby daughter, Maggie, at his apartment. Eugenio Derbez (the character named Valentin), participated in directing this film and gives a wonderful performance as Valentin, capturing the character’s development as a playboy to becoming a loving and boldly protective father towards Maggie. Speaking about Maggie, the child actor playing her young self is entertaining. The supportive cast adds a lot of comedy. This film impressively illustrates the complexity and simplicity of raising a child unexpectedly and the bonds that form between a father and a daughter.
What I loved most about this film was the humor. The scenes showing Valentin’s struggles into adjusting to fatherhood is funny and uplifting, giving the audience the chance to connect with the character’s experiences. The movie takes a message of the change of the power of love and the importance of family. This film shows us the importance of responsibility and empathy.
“Instructions Not Included” would attract a wide audience, mainly for an audience that enjoys a heartwarming comedy with a bit of alluring emotions. I recommend this film to anyone who enjoys watching funny movies with a strong emotional center. This film has a few scenes that are considered PG-13, which I would not recommend very young children to watch this film. Overall, “Instructions Not Included” is a lovely film. I would give this movie film a 5 out of 5.