The Incredibles movie is all about Mr. Incredible and superheroes who protect the city and he has a family later on. With a couple of flaws in the beginning that stop him from having a good life, like lawsuits and bad guys, that take away his family and it’s his job to save them. He stops the superhero life to have a basic family and work a regular job. Overall the movie has interesting parts and is a movie appropriate for kids. It is a movie that has been with me through my childhood and I hope others do too.
The plot of the story is the family going out to save their city, Metro City from a villain who used to be a fan of Mr incredible. The main characters are Mr. Incredible, Elastic Girl, Violet, Dash, Jack-Jack, Frozone, and the villain Syndrome. The story is about the family and them trying to keep their ordinary life without the superhero life, but can’t due to there still being crime out there and also needing money for their family. The actors and animators did an amazing job animating the movie and putting a lot of emotion into it.
Some things I liked about the movie were the plot because it all made sense and was easy to catch up to and understand. Things I didn’t like were the fact that at the start it was kinda boring but it was still worth it in the end. Things I learned were to never trust a message from a random person.
The people who would like this movie are kids but people older can still enjoy it. I wouldn’t recommend it to babies, because it is a lot of explosions and action. The movie is rated PG for action and violence. The movie is good and if you’re into superheroes this is the movie to watch. My final rating on the movie is a 8/10 and I would recommend watching it.