The movie that I will be picking is “The Sandlot” which I’ve seen countless times. This is my favorite movie ever because when I was younger I was not very good at baseball and the main character in this movie was not very good at first. The people who go to the baseball field and play every day started to accept him and he started to get better.
The plot of the movie “The Sandlot” is there is this kid Benny, and this kid named Smalls. Smalls was the new kid on the block while Benny was the popular kid who was excellent at baseball. At first Smalls wasn’t accepted (because he sucked) but then Benny is telling everyone that is not accepting him that they all sucked at first. Smalls got accepted into the group This character named Ham hit a home run and that was that, their last ball was gone, Smalls said he saw a ball in his step dads office and brought it to the field. Long story short someone else hit a home run with that ball but that ball was signed by Babe Ruth ( a baseball legend). They spend the rest of the movie trying to get the ball back from where they hit it out but there is this huge monster (a huge dog) that won’t let them have it back. Every actor that I previously mentioned had done an excellent job at playing their characters.
The positive parts about the movie “The Sandlot” was everything. The characters, the setting, the story behind it, I mean literally everything I didn’t dislike anything in this movie. For example there is this one scene where Benny is getting chased by something and runs over someone’s wedding cake and everyone is so bummed out I always found that scene to be funny, especially as a kid. Another scene that I enjoyed was when they all had a sleepover and were telling scary stories to make each other scared, because it reminds me of when I would have sleepovers with my best friends in elementary school. The lesson I believe you learn in this movie is not toi take things that aren’t yours because if smalls had never taken the baseball would they ever have been in trouble? The answer to that question is no.
The people that would enjoy this movie would be people that like baseball movies, and maybe a little bit of drama. I would recommend the movie to anyone that has not seen this movie, because it is a good short movie that is extremely entertaining. The MPAA rating of this movie is pg. My final word about the movie is, the movie was really good. For my rating of the movie “The Sandlot” would be a 5 out of 5 stars, and the movie also has no writing mistakes at all.