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The Value of AI and Automation

Jayne Launey greets students and parents during Spring Branch ISD's Career and Technical Education (CTE) Destination Success Career Exploration event, that took place on Saturday, Oct. 14 at Northbrook High School. Launey shows the amazing work 3D printing and automation that is being done in high school.
Jayne Launey greets students and parents during Spring Branch ISD’s Career and Technical Education (CTE) Destination Success Career Exploration event, that took place on Saturday, Oct. 14 at Northbrook High School. Launey shows the amazing work 3D printing and automation that is being done in high school.
Demetrius Holman

Over time, many advancements have been made with AI and automation in all kinds of industries. One of those industries that was heavily impacted when AI and automation were incorporated was the engineering industry, but in this article, I will focus on how the advancements made by AI and automation have been positive and helpful in the aerospace engineering industry. 

AI has brought new possibilities and expansions by incorporating lots of new technology like autonomous flight, 3D printing, and robotics. It has also impacted the manufacturing process making things productive.

AI and Automation completely revolutionized the industry also in manufacturing and design.

It affects how attainable new products can be and how quickly they’re made. In my opinion AI and Automation have greatly expanded the industry and opened doors that nobody thought possible. These technological advancements not only lowered costs, they also reduced risks, and prevented manufacturing defects.

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My goal is to address people’s concerns and trust issues with Artificial intelligence and automation in the workforce collaborating with humans and assure them that AI and automation are serving a positive purpose in the industry that will only help better the future.

One of the biggest impacts has been the technological advancements.

They have made many new things possible expanding the industries horizons. In the article titled “AI Is Taking Automation in Aerospace Manufacturing to New Heights’ ‘ author Emily Newton, a technology and industrial journalist, and editor-in-chief of the online magazine Revolutionized talks about all the new advancements AI had brought into the industry and how they positively impacted the workforce.

For example, Newton talks about how 3D printing has become a big step in the manufacturing process since “It allows the streamlining of what would otherwise be numerous disparate steps into one simple one“ (Newton). Newton mentions how MIT developed an AI model that corrects 3-D printing in real time. Which is being used in other areas and allows any errors to be caught and fixed making things safe and taking away tedious tasks that waste time that could be put into research. 

Although some investors and customers worry about the reliability of the new tech, Whether it is safe, they wonder if it’s even worth it as talked about by Bernard Marr, an author, and thought leader in the fields of business and technology. He mentions in an article titled “What Are The Negative Impacts Of Artificial Intelligence (AI)? Some concerns mainly focusing on AI biased, hacking, and AI terrorism.

These are major concerns and everyone’s safety is definitely the most important aspect but as mentioned by Marcin Frąckiewicz the founder and CEO of TS2 “By analyzing data from sensors embedded in aircraft and spacecraft, AI can predict potential failures before they occur. This allows for proactive maintenance, reducing downtime and improving safety” (Frąckiewicz). The new tech has gotten so advanced it can Analyze flight data, optimize route, helps with fuel efficiency, and manages traffic.

AI has made getting and designing materials accessible and cheaper stated by Newton. Journalist Newton also explains how by saying “Aerospace materials scientists can utilize AI to make the discovery process more efficient. Algorithms can rapidly analyze many possible composites, fibers, and polymers to identify those with the most potential for a specific application” (Newton). Making the job effortless and without flaws allowing manufacturers to distribute faster and companies to design material in-house.

Customers also think more research is needed going back to them worrying about how reliable the technology is and how much we should rely on it. One can agree that there should be more research done just like with any new technology AI and automation are included which is why there are researchers actively analyzing new data to give the optimized results and the best quality.

Not to mention getting to work and study AI and Automation becomes a great opportunity allowing researchers nationwide to have a unique learning experience only bettering themselves and the technology.

Another worry is the possibility of job losses because of AI and automation as also mentioned by Marr when he said

Some worry what the work environment will become with human-AI teaming. A great approach to these concerns would be the balanced approach as brought up by Patil in the article “The good, the bad, and the awful of AI in aerospace”. The balanced approach consists of companies finding a way to balance and manage the AI for it to become an asset and a tool to the company and the employee. “Companies that strike this careful balance can achieve responsible AI deployment that maximizes benefits, minimizes risks, and appropriately addresses job displacement and human oversight of AI. This balanced approach can foster a collaborative environment where humans and AI work together to create exciting advancements in aviation and space technology” (Patil).

It’s valid to have concerns about something new especially when it seems to be growing so fast.

The positives seem to outweigh the negatives when we see the big impact the technology has had, and it’s important to keep an open mind to the possibilities and take advantage of the new tech that researchers work so hard to create and experiment with.

It’s important to keep in mind the doors that AI in automation has opened within the industry and the more possibilities to come. The changes have impacted the entire Engineering Process from the way the materials are designed, the manufacturing process, and the actual human-AI teaming that has bettered the industry together. AI and automation have brought an immense amount of new technology, opening up the possibilities and opportunities for not only engineers, but for manufacturers, material scientists, customers, investors, and many more.

It’s proven itself to be valuable and a big part of the future of the engineering industry. We have to remember as the industry grows, so will technology, and accept that the advances play a big role in the industry’s success and will only continue to grow.

This piece was originally an assignment for Ms. Costanzo’s Dual Enrollment Course.

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