Today I had the pleasure of interviewing Coach Torres. Torres is a Health Fitness coach here at Northbrook High School but surprisingly she’s not from here. She went to Socorro High School, then she decided to go to Texas Tech University.
When I asked her what inspired her to become a coach here at Northbrook High School, she simply said how she became a coach at 17 years old and was passionate about sports. Eventually she then decided to become a Health Fitness coach.
In her spare time, Coach Torres likes to go for runs, craft objects, and like most people,or should I say everyone, she loves shopping just like any other girl simply because it makes her happy! Just like how it makes most of us girls happy.
Coach Torres has also had the pleasure to go to one of the happiest places on earth, Walt Disney World. She stated that her favorite ride at Walt Disney World is Expedition Everest. Great choice if you ask me. When I was asking her more about her interests and favorite hobbies, she told me that her favorite color is teal and that her current favorite TV show is Friends.
Something also very interesting to know about Coach Torres is that she has only been to two concerts this year. She told me that her favorite concert that she’s been to so far is the Lady Gaga concert.
Nevertheless, Coach Torres is not only an amazing and kind Coach but she is also someone you can go and talk to. She is always an ally in your corner and I’m glad she chose to work here. She’s my Health Fitness Coach and she is one of the best coaches at Northbrook High School if you ask me!